Kriecherische Deutsche

Ich las auf der Tagesschau-Website einen Bericht über Äußerungen von Tucker Bounds, dem Sprecher von McCain. Also flugs bei der Originalmeldung nachgesehen:

[Obama] …failed to recognize the need to visit wounded combat troops, instead choosing to continue on with a schedule that included meeting with international leaders and fawning Germans.

Nun, ich bin natürlich hochentzückt über solche Beleidigungen und wollte dies der McCain-Truppe zukommen lassen, mit folgendem Text:

Citing from The Nation your speaker Tucker Bounds said:
“[Obama] failed to recognize the need to visit wounded combat troops, instead choosing to continue on with a schedule that included meeting with international leaders and fawning Germans.”

I’m German and all I can say is that I’m quite disappointed about you affronting us and me. I was not in Berlin hearing the Obama speech but insulting Germans for hearing a political speech of a legitimate candidate of a democratic country is surely not a sign of competent foreign policy cosmopolitism.

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